Leave Us a Voicemail

We play one listener voicemail on each episode of Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, with a few exceptions.

Record a voice memo on your phone and email it to harrypottersacredtext@gmail.com.

Please keep in mind that we only choose voicemails that are two minutes in length or shorter (even if they’re great!).

An illustration of an orange envelope with the HPST icon. A light green speech bubble is popping out of it, representing a voicemail.

What we’re looking for in voicemail

  • Share from your own experience (especially experiences that our team could never have). Use that to illuminate the text in new ways.
  • Offer questions to Matt and Vanessa. This gives them an opportunity to meaningfully respond to the voicemail during the podcast.
A couple helpful prompts
  • Is there a character you want to bless right now, based on what’s happening with you and your life?
  • How do your experiences show us something new about the text, something that we haven’t noticed so far?
  • No worries if you’re behind on the podcast and your voicemail is about a chapter from a previous book; that doesn’t mean we won’t choose it.
Tips for recording
  • Make sure you’re somewhere quiet. Please don’t record in your car.
  • Plan ahead what you’re going to say. Make sure it fits within 2 minutes.
  • Writing down bullet points is great. Then your voicemail will sound natural and not as if it’s being read from a script.
  • Please let us know if you’d like to anonymous!
If we don’t choose your voicemail, please don’t be discouraged!

We receive more than 70 voicemails each month, all full of wisdom and new insights into the text. We wish we could include all of them and are so grateful to have an engaged listener community that practices sacred reading alongside us.